When deciding to start almost any business one has many choices and it is important to understand the pros and cons of each to make the best decision for you.
What is a yard card franchise?
Simply put, a franchise is “an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company’s products.” What this typically means, is that a franchise license or allows you to use their product and branding which they have found success in using as one of their entities.
The Pro’s I would name in regards to a yard card franchise are as follows:
Product and branding that already has proven success
Proven Methodologies
A “playbook,” when you sign on with a franchise you not only get the product but also the strategy in which they would name as the chosen method because they have found known success with it.
Throughout your process of onboarding to execution you have a team or a contact person. Which means you do not need to troubleshoot every problem on your own.
To join matches the value. If you’re looking for a turnkey business solution not wanting to be innovative or creative but simply follow a system that “works.” This option might be best for your needs.
In a franchise there is an agreement that outlines the areas in which the same franchise can be sold. This helps limit competition and give you the best chance at hitting the ground running.
The Con’s I would name regarding a yard card franchise are as follows:
No self identity
You do not own your identity, which means your business is also impacted by anyone who is in the franchise. If there should come a time that a scandal or negative media were to develop at ANY of the franchise locations, your business could be impacted as you are not seen as an individual operator who sells or rents x you ARE that brands name.
Branding a Yard Card Franchise
The branding can be both a positive and negative depending how you feel about business development. In a franchise there is less ability to be creative and innovative. When you sign on to a franchise, you sign on to their tested branding, which means you’re not recreating any wheel, you’re simply turning it. This works for most cases but in any business sometimes that wheel is broken, in a franchise you have little choice on fixing it but only continuing to turn it or you could face harsh legal actions.
Limitations in methods, systems and processes.
As an independent entity one has more freedom to mold a business with their vision and oversight , when being part of a franchise you can’t go against the tide of the herd and so you’re following the herd , whether you 100% agree or not.
I name this as a con because many times in a business where you start and think you’re going to where you actually end up going are not the same. Your ability to pivot and move where there might be great success in your own local market is limited for what is good for all.
Lack of 100% feeling like you own your business. One big reason I started my own company was because I was tired of needing permission for moves I knew were right. Having to spend days and hours on presentations and supportive documents to only get the team to buy in and then no follow through.
I wanted to make decisions and once decisions were made I wanted to move on them.
In a franchise you still meet this slow process for change, and that is one of the reasons the alternative to a franchise is much more attractive.
The expenses of a yard card franchise are always going to be more for an initial startup.
The price is typically justifiable because SOMEONE else did the startup for you. They figured out the recipe and did all the things you might be trying to avoid which is why you’re looking into a franchise.
Regardless of whether their dollar amount truly holds its value, it’s still a difficult bite to chew when looking at starting out and for many this is the piece that stops them overall.
Is stork handler central a yard card franchise?
No, Stork Handler Central is not a franchise. However, we do offer the product and coaching around the product.
When I started my local stork rental business I expected success, in fact there was no other option. I wanted to stay home with my little one and build memories and work life that complimented my home life.
There wasn’t enough of me to split evenly between the two. After one year of trying the working mom style I found myself burnt out and missing the things I desired most.
In order to make this product accessible to the lives I hoped to touch a franchise to start the business, didn’t feel like a fit. We offer many of great benefits you possibly could find in a traditional yard card franchise , except own your own business.
You pick your:
- Business Name
- Logo
- Slogan
- Pricing Model
- Territories you serve
- and are not locked into only using our product and method
The methodology we use is known as a license agreement.

The agreement allows stork handlers to use our trademarked image of our stork in their own businesses.
In return we promise to only sell to one stork company in a 25 mile radius of one another , with the ability to add additional miles as you grow your business.
We offer the most robust stork product in the national market, there are many different options and ways to build out your upsell.
In addition to our storks, we also offer yard card products and marquee numbers and other great rental items that you can add to your business if you desire.
You have the ability to schedule coaching calls with our local team – real stork handlers who are out here in their local market renting storks and creating a profitable revenue stream.
Starting a stork business or yard card business can be scary.
My advice?
Learn and listen to people who are where you want to be as they have been where you are once before.
If you would like more info on what makes Stork Handler different from a franchise please feel free to schedule a call or reach out to our team.
We are so very excited that you are considering renting storks , we know what they have done in our lives and we hope to continue to share that impact throughout the United states.
Interested in more info on starting a yard card / stork business?